Mitä kuvitella saattaa 2012
I had an exhibition in gallery Aarni, in Espoo 2012. The gallery was then in an old, funktional printing house.
Extracts from the press release: When walking on the street one can suddenly become interested some random form. And interpret that, for example a lock on the wall or a peculiar ventilation hatch in an imaginative way although it actually needs no interpretation. Or stop to look, how a seagull is calmly hanging on the air. Sometimes that makes you start to think a new art work.
I made the installations the spaces of the gallery Aarni on my mind. They are like stages ready for play. Spaces can also be overlapping each other: for example in a half demolished house, where one sees both the present and the past in the same time. The structures of the houses also gives hints of spaces, wich are just around the corner, but you can only enter them in your imagination.
Also the animals have their own way of moving in human structures. And one can even think, that the objects see long periods of time from their own, stagnant point of view. Only the man has difficulties to see the long time span as a continuation.
I constructed an old room, little bit stirred from the measures of the real architecture. The elements of the work are a staircase leading from the wall to the ceiling, a half of a door coming out from the wall, a broken flooring and a skirting board wich has the heater on it. The abandoned houses reveal the essence of time.
Linnut ja meri
Kaksikymmentä lokkia on tehty mm. kankaista, muoviverkoista ja metallilangasta. Linnut voivat käyttää tiloja tavalla, joita ihminen voi vain kuvitella mielessään. Teoksen merenpinta on tehty värjätystä puuvillamassasta, jonka suomalainen yritys Decocoat sponsoroi. The twenty seagulls are made of canvas, platic nets and metal wire, among other things. The birds can use the spaces in the ways, that people can only imagine in their minds. The sea level is meda of dyed cotton foam sponsored by Finnish Decocoat.
The work makes the gallery wall to turn into a big door. It has a handle on the side and a light shines throught the key hole. Light shines also under the wall and little plastic plants are growing from there.